This is a glossary of horse racing terms you will hear used at the Saratoga Race Course. Make sure to learn the jarjon and technical terms of horse racing so you can impress your friends when you are at the Saratoga Race Track.
Exact numbers for worldwide horse race betting aren't published, but it's safe to say that it's well into the billions of dollars.
Horse Racing Terminology and Definitions. Horse Racing Terminology and Definitions AmWager 2020-12-20T17:24:39-05:00. Horse Racing has a language of it's own. For someone new it can be confusing to try to follow what some people are talking about. Here are some common terms. Horse Racing Terms and Jargon Buster. The world of horse racing contains plenty of confusing words, some of which may mean very little to the unseasoned horse racing fan. This handy jargon-buster can help you understand some of the common horse racing terms, so you can join in with the horse-talk next time you're at the races. A racing system devised for the daily double bet in which the bettor backs one horse in the first race and every horse in the second (also known as Baseball or Locking). Weight-For-Age The purpose of weight-for-age is to allow horses of different age and sex to compete on equal terms.
The Kentucky Derby had over 193 million bet on it in 2016 and the Belmont Stakes had over 134 millionbet on it in 2015.
Outside of the US, the Melbourne Cup has over 500 million wagered every year and the Cheltenham Festival tops 726 million.
These four events alone account for over 1.5 billion in wagers.
When you consider that horse racing is a worldwide activity it's easy to see that it's one of the biggest gambling markets available.
Here's a list of 127 horse racing terms to help you understand more about the sport and the available wagers.
Across the Board: This is a bet placed on a horse to win, place and show. If the horse wins the race then you win on all three bets, if it comes second you win on two bets, andif it comes third you only win on one bet.
Action: Generally, this refers to the way a horse moves, both on the track and in the mounting yard. It's sometimes also used in relation to making a bet in general, but this isfar more common in other forms of gambling.
Added Money: In some races, the track owners will add money to the purse for a race to entice better horses and stables to enter. This money will be added to the total prizemoney which is generally made up of entry fees and sponsorship cash.
Agent: The person who buys and sells horses, or acts on behalf of jockey's, trainers and stables is an agent. Much like a football or basketball player would have agentsrepresenting them, all the major players including horses in horse racing also have agents.
All Out: In some races horses will be pushed to the absolute limit to win, or in the attempt to win, and this is known as going all out. It's usually avoided in horse racing asit puts the horse under far too much stress and can result in injury or even death.
Allowances: In handicap races where horses are assigned weight depending on their past performances, sometimes allowances are made and the weight can be reduced. Usually theseallowances are given to horses due to poor weather or maybe because it's a female horse running against males. If an apprentice jockey is riding an allowance may also be awarded. This is known asan apprentice allowance.
Also Eligible: In basic terms this is a substitute horse that will be able to run in a race if any of the current runners are scratched.
Also Ran: This term refers to a horse that has run in a race and has failed to finish in a position that earns money.
Apprentice: A jockey who is relatively new to the sport and hasn't yet achieved the number of wins required to become a full-time professional. Sometimes you'll hear anapprentice referred to as a bug.
Baby Race: In a baby race only 2-year-old horses can enter and run.
Backstretch: This is the section of the track that is at the far side of the course between the two bends. The finish line is never on the backstretch.
Bald: Some horses have a white face and in the industry, this is referred to as being bald.
Bar Shoe: When a horse injures the lower part of its leg, the trainers will sometimes place a horse shoe on them that has a rear bar that will provide extra protection. This isknown as a bar shoe.
Bay: A horse which is a light tan color yet has brown to mahogany brown and even some black in some areas. Usually the main color is light tan with the mane and tail being black.Sometimes you'll hear the terms light bay or dark bay used also.
Bearing in or Out: Quite often when a horse tires it starts to change direction from a straight line and bear in or out on the track. This can also happen when a jockey is losingcontrol of the horse.
Bell: A bell is used at some race tracks when the gates open to start a race. It's also used to signify the close of betting on a race. These days the bell isn't used quite asmuch in favor of complex PA systems and lights.
Bit: One of the main ways a jockey controls the horse is by using a bit. This is a bar that's placed in the horse's mouth. With the reins the jockey can relax the bit, or pushthe bit further back into the horse's mouth to get a response. While this sounds cruel it doesn't hurt the horse that much and is more just used to motivate.
Bracer: After races or training a bracer is used to rub down horse's muscles to help them to relax and recover. It's basically like an oil liniment that you might use in massage.
Blanket Finish: In some races, the finish is so tight that you could literally put a blanket over the top of both horses, hence the term a blanket finish is born.
Blaze: You may notice on some horses that are completely brown or tan they have a blaze of white on their face. This is known, funnily enough, as a blaze. It can be quite adistinguishing feature on a horse and is a wonderful way to tell the difference between two otherwise very similar looking animals.
Blind Switch: Quite often a favourite won't end up winning a race because they get caught in a blind switch on the final straight. This occurs when a horse is positioned betweenor behind other horses and is effectively boxed in and can't move at the pace that it wants to. The better jockeys out there will have cunning strategies and ride their horses in a way to avoidending up in a blind switch.
Blinkers: Some horses get distracted by the other horses around them in races and the crowds of people. To avoid these horses being distracted and thus impacting negatively ontheir performance trainers will affix blinkers which block out their peripheral vision. Quite often a horse will perform exceptionally well the first time they wear blinkers in a race as thejockey can finally make them focus on the task at hand.
Blowout: Just a few days prior to a big race a trainer will put a horse through a blowout session. This is a short and fast paced session that is intended to allow the horse topeak at their top speed in the upcoming race.
Board: At the race track all the odds and race information is shown on the board. This used to be a chalk black board back in the day, but they have now been replaced by fancydigital screens and displays. You may still see an old style board at some traditional tracks around the country.
Bobble: A bobble occurs at the start of a horse race just out of the gate. The horse can falter on the ground and lose its footing, almost in a bobble motion, causing it to be onthe back foot and having to recover while the rest of the horses bolt off. This can effectively end a horse's chances before the race has truly begun.
Bolt: This is like bearing in or out; a bolt occurs when a horse suddenly changes direction for some reason, usually because they're distracted or scared by another horse orsomething they have run past. Blinkers can help in this situation and will usually stop a horse from bolting too often.
Bottom: A horse's overall stamina is referred to as the bottom. This term is also used in racing about the layer of ground just below the surface of a track.
Bow: Generally, this is used to describe the tendon below the knee on a horse. Quite often it can rupture as this is a common racing injury. You'll sometimes hear the term bowedtendon used instead of just bow.
Break: Ever heard the phrase it will be good once you break it in? Well this is like how the term break is used in horse racing. You must break a horse to get it used to having ajockey on its back, and to get it accustomed to racing with all the standard equipment that's commonly used in horse racing.
Breakage: When pari-mutuel betting systems are used, there will sometimes be some money left over. Usually this is just a few cents. This is called breakage and it will usuallybe given to the track, taken as commission or paid out to the government as an extra tax.
Breakdown: Every now and then a horse will get an injury and break down. This usually means they won't race again for a long time, and perhaps never again. It's also calledlameness.
Break Maiden: If a jockey or horse wins its first race then it's a break maiden event.
Breather: Who doesn't take a short breather every time they're putting in a big effort in a run? You'll find that this is no different in horse racing. Sometimes the jockey willease back to give the horse a breather so that they can come home even stronger and take the lead when it matters.
Breeder: A breeder is a person who organises breeding between two horses and the owner of the dam when the foal is born.
Breeze: A jockey will sometimes run a horse at a moderate pace; this is known as a breeze. Life's a breeze, meaning it's all very easy for the horse in this situation.
Bridge Jumper: If you've ever come across a bettor who makes big show bets on the absolute favorites, they are known as a bridge jumper.
Broodmare: A broodmare is a female horse that's used for breeding purposes. They'll always be a thoroughbred breed and will usually have been excellent racers back in their day.
Bucked Shins: Some horses get inflamed muscles at the front of their cannon bone. This injury is usually more prevalent in young horses who are still relatively new to racing.
Bullet: Trainers will often time a horse on repeated efforts over the same distance in training. The best time they achieve over this distance is known as a bullet. This specifictype of training is known as bullet work.
Bull Ring: A much shorter track than the standard is known as a bull ring. It's usually circular in nature and will be less than a mile in distance.
Call: The position of horses at any point in a race is known as the call. Quite often you'll have a caller making this announcement over the PA system at the track so everyoneknows what's happening.
Caller: As I mentioned above, this is the person who commentates the race and lets everyone know the call.
Checked: Sometimes in a race a jockey must suddenly stop their horse or move them to avoid a collision or being seriously disadvantaged in the race. This is known as beingchecked.
Chute: Quite often a race track will have a large straight section that goes outside the main track at the start of the front straight. This is known as the chute and it allowsfor longer straight races that don't have any bends involved.
Clerk of the Scales: This is the person who ensures that all horses carry the correct handicapped weight in a race. They will weigh jockeys and their gear both before and afterraces to ensure compliance.
Climbing: Trainers will always be on the lookout for climbing, which is a natural fault in the way a horse runs. Sometimes they'll lift their legs too high like they're climbinga slope. This expends more energy and isn't efficient so the trainer will try to get the horse to not lift their legs as high through a variety of methods.
Clocker: The official or officials, who time the race, and sometimes training runs on non-race days, is known as the clocker.
Closer: Every now and then you'll see a horse that hits amazing speeds and gallops down the outside of the pack right at the end of the race. Sometimes they win on the line andsometimes they don't. This type of horse is known as a closer.
Clubhouse Turn: The turn on the race track that is closest to the clubhouse is funnily enough, the clubhouse turn. You won't hear this used as much these days given the expansionin stadium style race tracks.
Colours: Also, referred to as silks, these are the silk tops and colors that a jockey wears in a race. Usually they are relevant to the owners of the horse.
Colt: A male horse under the age of five years is known as a colt.
Daily Double: A bet which is placed on two races in a row at the one track is a daily double. Usually this occurs in the first two races of the day and you'll be trying to pickthe winner in both races. At some events a late double may also be offered which is another form of this bet but on later races.
Dam: A mother of a thoroughbred horse is known as a dam.
Dead: One of the main ratings used to describe track conditions. When the track is classified as Dead, it's usually recovering from a lot of rain and lacks resiliency.
Declared: This has a few meanings depending upon where you are in the world. In the United States, it simply means a horse is scratched from the race. In the United Kingdom andEurope, it means quite the opposite, that a horse is confirmed to run in a race.
Driving: When a jockey needs everything from a horse they're driving it. This will be done by the jockey when it's crunch time in the race and the horse has a chance of winning.
Exacta: A bet on the first and second place horses in the race is known as an exacta. You must pick both horses and the correct order to win.
Fast: Fast is another rating for a horse track where the conditions are great and the ground is quite solid and unyielding. This will result in a fast race.
Fence: This is the rail that separates the front straight from the stands and crowds in a race. It's also referred to as the outside rail.
Filly: A female horse between 1 and 4 years old is called a filly.
Firm: Yet another rating for a horse track, this one is usually used for dirt tracks when it's considered to be quite fast.
Flatten Out: Sometimes when a horse is completely exhausted it will flatten its head so that it's in line with the rest of its body, this is known as a flatten out and is never agood sign in any race horse.
Foal: A baby thoroughbred horse is known as a foal. It doesn't matter if it's male or female.
Form: A form is a section of the newspaper, or a booklet that's handed out at the race track. The form guide gives information on all the days' races and the horses that arerunning. This is a vital guide in deciding on your betting selections.
Front Runner: This is a horse that always takes the lead in a race from near the start and tries to hold on for as long as possible. Quite often they will lose the lead on thefinal straight, but every now and then they manage to hold on for a win.
Furlong: In years past the main way that horse racing tracks were measured was in furlongs. A furlong is a unit of measure which equals exactly half a mile in the imperialsystem. Or 800 meters in the metric system. It's pronounced like fur low.
Gait: This term is used similarly to how it applies to human runners. It's about the way and style that a horse gallops, canters, and trots. Trainers will study the gait of ahorse ad-nauseam to determine ways in which to make it faster and more efficient
Gallop: This is a type of gait which is the way a horse runs fastest. In most horse races the horses will be galloping the entire time, albeit at varying levels of intensity.
Gate: These are used at the start of a horse race. Horses are placed in them and once they're all contained the front is opened and the race begins.
Gelding: A male horse that's lost its man hood; in others words they've been castrated.
Good: Good is another track rating which sits between fast and slow. This is a decent track and will usually yield a well paced race. While some horses perform better in certainconditions you'll usually be able to discount the conditions when a track is good.
Grandsire: A horse's grandfather is the grandsire, usually just on the mother's side.
Gray: A horse which is gray has a mix of white and black hair; not actual gray hair strictly speaking.
Groom: This is almost a trainer's assistant; someone who looks after the horse when it's in the stable. They'll comfort, clean, and feed the horse during the week and on raceday.
Group Race: In the United Kingdom, Australia, and Europe, a group race is like an American graded race. Group 1 is the best of the best, while group 2 and 3 are also good. Group1 races aren't always the best value and some group 2 and 3 races have huge prize pools.
Halter: A halter is a piece of rope or leather that's placed around the horse to lead and control it. Usually this wouldn't be used in a race and would only be used around thestable and outside for training.
Hand: This is a measurement that's used on horses. One hand equals around four inches.
Handicap: A race where horses are given extra weight to carry based on past performances. This is done to even up the field and to make the race tighter.
Handle: The total amount of money that's been wagered on a race when a pari-mutuel betting system is being used is called the handle.
Head: Quite often the head is used to define how much a horse wins a race by. The nose is first, then the head, and then they use body lengths to categorise the distance betweenhorses at the finish line.
Heavy: Another track rating that describes a very wet and muddy ground. This will be one of the hardest tracks for horses to run on given all the extra effort they must put in.Some horses excel in these conditions.
Hurdle Race: A type of horse race that's conducted over jumps and obstacles, even water hazards, is called a hurdle race. Other names for this type of race include a jumping raceand steeplechase.
In the Money: If a horse is in the money at the end of the race it means that it finished first, second, or third. Technically speaking horses can still get prize money forfinishing fourth or later, but this is just how the term is used in the industry.
Jumper: A horse which is proficient and excels in hurdle races is known as a jumper.
Length: A measure used to describe the distance between two horses in a race. It refers to a horse's body length, which is usually around 8 feet long.
Listed Race: In the United Kingdom and Europe, a listed race is one that is just below the level of group races, or graded races if you're in North America.
Maiden: A horse that is yet to win a race is known as a maiden. Sometimes race tracks will put on maiden races which feature a group of horses that have not yet won.
Horse Racing Lingo Inside Track
Mare: An old girl, a mare is a female horse that is five years of age or older. Once a female breeds they're also referred to as a mare irrespective of age.
Mounting Yard: An area at some race tracks where the horses are paraded prior to the race for the crowd. The jockeys will also mount and take a seat on their horse in this yard.
Horse Racing Lingo Meaning
Muzzle: A muzzle is an apparatus that's placed over the nose and mouth of the horse to prevent it from eating or biting things it isn't meant to. It's also casually used todescribe the nose and mouth area on the horse itself.
Oaks: An oaks race consists of 3-year-old fillies only. This is usually a very popular race and quite often ends in a close finish.
Odds On: A term used to describe the odds on a horse when they drop below even money.
Off Track Betting: An off-track betting establishment is a place where you can go and wager on races that occur in other locations. Sometimes if you're in the same state themoney will go into the same pool that's being used at the track itself.
On the Bit: If a horse is on the bit it means it's trying to push the absolute limit and wants to try and run as fast as it can. Quite often in races the jockey's job is stop ahorse from doing this until the opportune moment.
On the Board: If a horse finished in the top four in a race they're on the board. Generally, this will be a good thing if you've placed a bet on this horse.
On the Nose: On the nose is a slang term used when you are placing a bet on a horse to win the race.
Overlay: Sometimes a horse will be placed at a higher price than previous form would usually dictate. As an avid bettor, you need to keep an eye out for this.
Paddock: The area at the race track where horses are prepared prior to the race is called the paddock.
Pari-Mutuel: A type of betting pool where all the money that is wagered is combined and payouts are determined based on popularity and cash value of bets placed. The track orestablishment running the pool will take a commission off the top for themselves, and the rest of the money is paid out to the bettors who have won.
Photo Finish: In a photo finish, it isn't clear who the winner is, so a series of photos are used to determine which horse hit the line first.
Place: A place bet is a bet on your horse to finish either first or second. Strictly speaking a place means the horse finished in second position.
Post: The post is the starting position of the race. The gates will be placed at this point, or in a rolling start the race will commence here.
Prop: On occasion a horse will refuse to start from the gate. They will simply stand their ground and not budge. This is known as a prop and it's disastrous for everyone involvedwith that horse and the people who have bet on it.
Purse: The purse is the prize money for a race which usually comes from race track owners or sponsors.
Quinella: A quinella is a wager type where you're attempting to pick the first two finishing horses. You don't need to pick the order they finish in.
Rail: The metal fence on the inside of the track is known as the rail. Some horses are considered rail runners as they like to run along this and perform at their best when doingso.
Run out Bit: Some horses that bolt around on the track will have a run out bit placed on them by the trainer. This is a bit different from a normal bit and will usually stop thisbehaviour.
Saddle Cloth: A saddle cloth is a cloth that's placed beneath the saddle of a horse. This protects the horse from the saddle and displays a number for the race.
Scratch: When a horse is withdrawn from a race it's a scratch or scratched.
Shadow Roll: Some horses fear their shadow when they're running and it negatively affects their performance. To combat this, trainers place a roll of wool on the horses face sothey can't see their shadow. One thing to keep an eye out for in the form guide is whether a horse is using this for the first time, as it will quite often result in improved performance.
Show: A show bet is a bet on a horse to finish in third place or better. If a horse runs third it's just a show.
Silks: The same as colours described earlier; these are worn by the jockey to show who owns the horse and to distinguish it from other horses.
Sire: The father of a horse is known as a sire.
Sophomore: A horse that's three years old, of either gender, is a sophomore.
Stakes: A type of race where the horse owner must pay a fee to enter is a stakes race. This will go towards the prize pool. Stakes are usually feature events and will draw bigcrowds and big betting.
Stick: Stick is a slang term for the whip. In some jurisdictions and countries, the amount a jockey can use the whip is restricted and failure to stick to this can result indisqualification.
Stretch: This is the final straight of the race.
Stud: A male horse that's retired from racing will be put out to stud. Here they'll breed with female horses in the hopes of producing horses that end up being great race horses.
When you consider that horse racing is a worldwide activity it's easy to see that it's one of the biggest gambling markets available.
Here's a list of 127 horse racing terms to help you understand more about the sport and the available wagers.
Across the Board: This is a bet placed on a horse to win, place and show. If the horse wins the race then you win on all three bets, if it comes second you win on two bets, andif it comes third you only win on one bet.
Action: Generally, this refers to the way a horse moves, both on the track and in the mounting yard. It's sometimes also used in relation to making a bet in general, but this isfar more common in other forms of gambling.
Added Money: In some races, the track owners will add money to the purse for a race to entice better horses and stables to enter. This money will be added to the total prizemoney which is generally made up of entry fees and sponsorship cash.
Agent: The person who buys and sells horses, or acts on behalf of jockey's, trainers and stables is an agent. Much like a football or basketball player would have agentsrepresenting them, all the major players including horses in horse racing also have agents.
All Out: In some races horses will be pushed to the absolute limit to win, or in the attempt to win, and this is known as going all out. It's usually avoided in horse racing asit puts the horse under far too much stress and can result in injury or even death.
Allowances: In handicap races where horses are assigned weight depending on their past performances, sometimes allowances are made and the weight can be reduced. Usually theseallowances are given to horses due to poor weather or maybe because it's a female horse running against males. If an apprentice jockey is riding an allowance may also be awarded. This is known asan apprentice allowance.
Also Eligible: In basic terms this is a substitute horse that will be able to run in a race if any of the current runners are scratched.
Also Ran: This term refers to a horse that has run in a race and has failed to finish in a position that earns money.
Apprentice: A jockey who is relatively new to the sport and hasn't yet achieved the number of wins required to become a full-time professional. Sometimes you'll hear anapprentice referred to as a bug.
Baby Race: In a baby race only 2-year-old horses can enter and run.
Backstretch: This is the section of the track that is at the far side of the course between the two bends. The finish line is never on the backstretch.
Bald: Some horses have a white face and in the industry, this is referred to as being bald.
Bar Shoe: When a horse injures the lower part of its leg, the trainers will sometimes place a horse shoe on them that has a rear bar that will provide extra protection. This isknown as a bar shoe.
Bay: A horse which is a light tan color yet has brown to mahogany brown and even some black in some areas. Usually the main color is light tan with the mane and tail being black.Sometimes you'll hear the terms light bay or dark bay used also.
Bearing in or Out: Quite often when a horse tires it starts to change direction from a straight line and bear in or out on the track. This can also happen when a jockey is losingcontrol of the horse.
Bell: A bell is used at some race tracks when the gates open to start a race. It's also used to signify the close of betting on a race. These days the bell isn't used quite asmuch in favor of complex PA systems and lights.
Bit: One of the main ways a jockey controls the horse is by using a bit. This is a bar that's placed in the horse's mouth. With the reins the jockey can relax the bit, or pushthe bit further back into the horse's mouth to get a response. While this sounds cruel it doesn't hurt the horse that much and is more just used to motivate.
Bracer: After races or training a bracer is used to rub down horse's muscles to help them to relax and recover. It's basically like an oil liniment that you might use in massage.
Blanket Finish: In some races, the finish is so tight that you could literally put a blanket over the top of both horses, hence the term a blanket finish is born.
Blaze: You may notice on some horses that are completely brown or tan they have a blaze of white on their face. This is known, funnily enough, as a blaze. It can be quite adistinguishing feature on a horse and is a wonderful way to tell the difference between two otherwise very similar looking animals.
Blind Switch: Quite often a favourite won't end up winning a race because they get caught in a blind switch on the final straight. This occurs when a horse is positioned betweenor behind other horses and is effectively boxed in and can't move at the pace that it wants to. The better jockeys out there will have cunning strategies and ride their horses in a way to avoidending up in a blind switch.
Blinkers: Some horses get distracted by the other horses around them in races and the crowds of people. To avoid these horses being distracted and thus impacting negatively ontheir performance trainers will affix blinkers which block out their peripheral vision. Quite often a horse will perform exceptionally well the first time they wear blinkers in a race as thejockey can finally make them focus on the task at hand.
Blowout: Just a few days prior to a big race a trainer will put a horse through a blowout session. This is a short and fast paced session that is intended to allow the horse topeak at their top speed in the upcoming race.
Board: At the race track all the odds and race information is shown on the board. This used to be a chalk black board back in the day, but they have now been replaced by fancydigital screens and displays. You may still see an old style board at some traditional tracks around the country.
Bobble: A bobble occurs at the start of a horse race just out of the gate. The horse can falter on the ground and lose its footing, almost in a bobble motion, causing it to be onthe back foot and having to recover while the rest of the horses bolt off. This can effectively end a horse's chances before the race has truly begun.
Bolt: This is like bearing in or out; a bolt occurs when a horse suddenly changes direction for some reason, usually because they're distracted or scared by another horse orsomething they have run past. Blinkers can help in this situation and will usually stop a horse from bolting too often.
Bottom: A horse's overall stamina is referred to as the bottom. This term is also used in racing about the layer of ground just below the surface of a track.
Bow: Generally, this is used to describe the tendon below the knee on a horse. Quite often it can rupture as this is a common racing injury. You'll sometimes hear the term bowedtendon used instead of just bow.
Break: Ever heard the phrase it will be good once you break it in? Well this is like how the term break is used in horse racing. You must break a horse to get it used to having ajockey on its back, and to get it accustomed to racing with all the standard equipment that's commonly used in horse racing.
Breakage: When pari-mutuel betting systems are used, there will sometimes be some money left over. Usually this is just a few cents. This is called breakage and it will usuallybe given to the track, taken as commission or paid out to the government as an extra tax.
Breakdown: Every now and then a horse will get an injury and break down. This usually means they won't race again for a long time, and perhaps never again. It's also calledlameness.
Break Maiden: If a jockey or horse wins its first race then it's a break maiden event.
Breather: Who doesn't take a short breather every time they're putting in a big effort in a run? You'll find that this is no different in horse racing. Sometimes the jockey willease back to give the horse a breather so that they can come home even stronger and take the lead when it matters.
Breeder: A breeder is a person who organises breeding between two horses and the owner of the dam when the foal is born.
Breeze: A jockey will sometimes run a horse at a moderate pace; this is known as a breeze. Life's a breeze, meaning it's all very easy for the horse in this situation.
Bridge Jumper: If you've ever come across a bettor who makes big show bets on the absolute favorites, they are known as a bridge jumper.
Broodmare: A broodmare is a female horse that's used for breeding purposes. They'll always be a thoroughbred breed and will usually have been excellent racers back in their day.
Bucked Shins: Some horses get inflamed muscles at the front of their cannon bone. This injury is usually more prevalent in young horses who are still relatively new to racing.
Bullet: Trainers will often time a horse on repeated efforts over the same distance in training. The best time they achieve over this distance is known as a bullet. This specifictype of training is known as bullet work.
Bull Ring: A much shorter track than the standard is known as a bull ring. It's usually circular in nature and will be less than a mile in distance.
Call: The position of horses at any point in a race is known as the call. Quite often you'll have a caller making this announcement over the PA system at the track so everyoneknows what's happening.
Caller: As I mentioned above, this is the person who commentates the race and lets everyone know the call.
Checked: Sometimes in a race a jockey must suddenly stop their horse or move them to avoid a collision or being seriously disadvantaged in the race. This is known as beingchecked.
Chute: Quite often a race track will have a large straight section that goes outside the main track at the start of the front straight. This is known as the chute and it allowsfor longer straight races that don't have any bends involved.
Clerk of the Scales: This is the person who ensures that all horses carry the correct handicapped weight in a race. They will weigh jockeys and their gear both before and afterraces to ensure compliance.
Climbing: Trainers will always be on the lookout for climbing, which is a natural fault in the way a horse runs. Sometimes they'll lift their legs too high like they're climbinga slope. This expends more energy and isn't efficient so the trainer will try to get the horse to not lift their legs as high through a variety of methods.
Clocker: The official or officials, who time the race, and sometimes training runs on non-race days, is known as the clocker.
Closer: Every now and then you'll see a horse that hits amazing speeds and gallops down the outside of the pack right at the end of the race. Sometimes they win on the line andsometimes they don't. This type of horse is known as a closer.
Clubhouse Turn: The turn on the race track that is closest to the clubhouse is funnily enough, the clubhouse turn. You won't hear this used as much these days given the expansionin stadium style race tracks.
Colours: Also, referred to as silks, these are the silk tops and colors that a jockey wears in a race. Usually they are relevant to the owners of the horse.
Colt: A male horse under the age of five years is known as a colt.
Daily Double: A bet which is placed on two races in a row at the one track is a daily double. Usually this occurs in the first two races of the day and you'll be trying to pickthe winner in both races. At some events a late double may also be offered which is another form of this bet but on later races.
Dam: A mother of a thoroughbred horse is known as a dam.
Dead: One of the main ratings used to describe track conditions. When the track is classified as Dead, it's usually recovering from a lot of rain and lacks resiliency.
Declared: This has a few meanings depending upon where you are in the world. In the United States, it simply means a horse is scratched from the race. In the United Kingdom andEurope, it means quite the opposite, that a horse is confirmed to run in a race.
Driving: When a jockey needs everything from a horse they're driving it. This will be done by the jockey when it's crunch time in the race and the horse has a chance of winning.
Exacta: A bet on the first and second place horses in the race is known as an exacta. You must pick both horses and the correct order to win.
Fast: Fast is another rating for a horse track where the conditions are great and the ground is quite solid and unyielding. This will result in a fast race.
Fence: This is the rail that separates the front straight from the stands and crowds in a race. It's also referred to as the outside rail.
Filly: A female horse between 1 and 4 years old is called a filly.
Firm: Yet another rating for a horse track, this one is usually used for dirt tracks when it's considered to be quite fast.
Flatten Out: Sometimes when a horse is completely exhausted it will flatten its head so that it's in line with the rest of its body, this is known as a flatten out and is never agood sign in any race horse.
Foal: A baby thoroughbred horse is known as a foal. It doesn't matter if it's male or female.
Form: A form is a section of the newspaper, or a booklet that's handed out at the race track. The form guide gives information on all the days' races and the horses that arerunning. This is a vital guide in deciding on your betting selections.
Front Runner: This is a horse that always takes the lead in a race from near the start and tries to hold on for as long as possible. Quite often they will lose the lead on thefinal straight, but every now and then they manage to hold on for a win.
Furlong: In years past the main way that horse racing tracks were measured was in furlongs. A furlong is a unit of measure which equals exactly half a mile in the imperialsystem. Or 800 meters in the metric system. It's pronounced like fur low.
Gait: This term is used similarly to how it applies to human runners. It's about the way and style that a horse gallops, canters, and trots. Trainers will study the gait of ahorse ad-nauseam to determine ways in which to make it faster and more efficient
Gallop: This is a type of gait which is the way a horse runs fastest. In most horse races the horses will be galloping the entire time, albeit at varying levels of intensity.
Gate: These are used at the start of a horse race. Horses are placed in them and once they're all contained the front is opened and the race begins.
Gelding: A male horse that's lost its man hood; in others words they've been castrated.
Good: Good is another track rating which sits between fast and slow. This is a decent track and will usually yield a well paced race. While some horses perform better in certainconditions you'll usually be able to discount the conditions when a track is good.
Grandsire: A horse's grandfather is the grandsire, usually just on the mother's side.
Gray: A horse which is gray has a mix of white and black hair; not actual gray hair strictly speaking.
Groom: This is almost a trainer's assistant; someone who looks after the horse when it's in the stable. They'll comfort, clean, and feed the horse during the week and on raceday.
Group Race: In the United Kingdom, Australia, and Europe, a group race is like an American graded race. Group 1 is the best of the best, while group 2 and 3 are also good. Group1 races aren't always the best value and some group 2 and 3 races have huge prize pools.
Halter: A halter is a piece of rope or leather that's placed around the horse to lead and control it. Usually this wouldn't be used in a race and would only be used around thestable and outside for training.
Hand: This is a measurement that's used on horses. One hand equals around four inches.
Handicap: A race where horses are given extra weight to carry based on past performances. This is done to even up the field and to make the race tighter.
Handle: The total amount of money that's been wagered on a race when a pari-mutuel betting system is being used is called the handle.
Head: Quite often the head is used to define how much a horse wins a race by. The nose is first, then the head, and then they use body lengths to categorise the distance betweenhorses at the finish line.
Heavy: Another track rating that describes a very wet and muddy ground. This will be one of the hardest tracks for horses to run on given all the extra effort they must put in.Some horses excel in these conditions.
Hurdle Race: A type of horse race that's conducted over jumps and obstacles, even water hazards, is called a hurdle race. Other names for this type of race include a jumping raceand steeplechase.
In the Money: If a horse is in the money at the end of the race it means that it finished first, second, or third. Technically speaking horses can still get prize money forfinishing fourth or later, but this is just how the term is used in the industry.
Jumper: A horse which is proficient and excels in hurdle races is known as a jumper.
Length: A measure used to describe the distance between two horses in a race. It refers to a horse's body length, which is usually around 8 feet long.
Listed Race: In the United Kingdom and Europe, a listed race is one that is just below the level of group races, or graded races if you're in North America.
Maiden: A horse that is yet to win a race is known as a maiden. Sometimes race tracks will put on maiden races which feature a group of horses that have not yet won.
Horse Racing Lingo Inside Track
Mare: An old girl, a mare is a female horse that is five years of age or older. Once a female breeds they're also referred to as a mare irrespective of age.
Mounting Yard: An area at some race tracks where the horses are paraded prior to the race for the crowd. The jockeys will also mount and take a seat on their horse in this yard.
Horse Racing Lingo Meaning
Muzzle: A muzzle is an apparatus that's placed over the nose and mouth of the horse to prevent it from eating or biting things it isn't meant to. It's also casually used todescribe the nose and mouth area on the horse itself.
Oaks: An oaks race consists of 3-year-old fillies only. This is usually a very popular race and quite often ends in a close finish.
Odds On: A term used to describe the odds on a horse when they drop below even money.
Off Track Betting: An off-track betting establishment is a place where you can go and wager on races that occur in other locations. Sometimes if you're in the same state themoney will go into the same pool that's being used at the track itself.
On the Bit: If a horse is on the bit it means it's trying to push the absolute limit and wants to try and run as fast as it can. Quite often in races the jockey's job is stop ahorse from doing this until the opportune moment.
On the Board: If a horse finished in the top four in a race they're on the board. Generally, this will be a good thing if you've placed a bet on this horse.
On the Nose: On the nose is a slang term used when you are placing a bet on a horse to win the race.
Overlay: Sometimes a horse will be placed at a higher price than previous form would usually dictate. As an avid bettor, you need to keep an eye out for this.
Paddock: The area at the race track where horses are prepared prior to the race is called the paddock.
Pari-Mutuel: A type of betting pool where all the money that is wagered is combined and payouts are determined based on popularity and cash value of bets placed. The track orestablishment running the pool will take a commission off the top for themselves, and the rest of the money is paid out to the bettors who have won.
Photo Finish: In a photo finish, it isn't clear who the winner is, so a series of photos are used to determine which horse hit the line first.
Place: A place bet is a bet on your horse to finish either first or second. Strictly speaking a place means the horse finished in second position.
Post: The post is the starting position of the race. The gates will be placed at this point, or in a rolling start the race will commence here.
Prop: On occasion a horse will refuse to start from the gate. They will simply stand their ground and not budge. This is known as a prop and it's disastrous for everyone involvedwith that horse and the people who have bet on it.
Purse: The purse is the prize money for a race which usually comes from race track owners or sponsors.
Quinella: A quinella is a wager type where you're attempting to pick the first two finishing horses. You don't need to pick the order they finish in.
Rail: The metal fence on the inside of the track is known as the rail. Some horses are considered rail runners as they like to run along this and perform at their best when doingso.
Run out Bit: Some horses that bolt around on the track will have a run out bit placed on them by the trainer. This is a bit different from a normal bit and will usually stop thisbehaviour.
Saddle Cloth: A saddle cloth is a cloth that's placed beneath the saddle of a horse. This protects the horse from the saddle and displays a number for the race.
Scratch: When a horse is withdrawn from a race it's a scratch or scratched.
Shadow Roll: Some horses fear their shadow when they're running and it negatively affects their performance. To combat this, trainers place a roll of wool on the horses face sothey can't see their shadow. One thing to keep an eye out for in the form guide is whether a horse is using this for the first time, as it will quite often result in improved performance.
Show: A show bet is a bet on a horse to finish in third place or better. If a horse runs third it's just a show.
Silks: The same as colours described earlier; these are worn by the jockey to show who owns the horse and to distinguish it from other horses.
Sire: The father of a horse is known as a sire.
Sophomore: A horse that's three years old, of either gender, is a sophomore.
Stakes: A type of race where the horse owner must pay a fee to enter is a stakes race. This will go towards the prize pool. Stakes are usually feature events and will draw bigcrowds and big betting.
Stick: Stick is a slang term for the whip. In some jurisdictions and countries, the amount a jockey can use the whip is restricted and failure to stick to this can result indisqualification.
Stretch: This is the final straight of the race.
Stud: A male horse that's retired from racing will be put out to stud. Here they'll breed with female horses in the hopes of producing horses that end up being great race horses.
Tongue Strap: Sometimes a horse can become distressed and run the risk of choking on their own tongue when they're training or racing. To avoid this, trainers will use a tonguestrap to secure the tongue.
Totalisator: A computer system that is used to run pari-mutuel betting is called a totalisator. At some race tracks it's simply referred to as the tote.
Trifecta: A bet on the first three horses in a race in the right order. If you don't want to pick them in the right order then you can make a box trifecta bet, where they canfinish in any order and you still win, but a lesser amount.
Triple Crown: The Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, and Belmont stakes are the Triple Crown in the United States and considered the three most illustrious races to win. Twelvehorses have won all three, with the latest being American Pharoah in 2015. In the United Kingdom, the Triple Crown consists of the 2000 Guineas Stakes, the Epsom Derby, and the St. Leger Stakes.You must go back to 1970 to find a horse that won all three in Nijinsky.
Underlay: The opposite of overlay, this is when a horse is at much shorter odds than its previous form would suggest.
Washy: In every race, you'll probably see a horse that is shining as if it were wet before the race. This is known as being washy and it's sweat from being apprehensive, and it'snot a good sign in general.
Whip: A tool used by jockeys to motivate a horse in key moments in the race. As I mentioned earlier, it's also referred to as a stick, and you may hear it also called a bat orgad.
Yearling: A horse in the first calendar year of its life is a yearling.
Yielding: Rain sodden turf which is very soft underfoot is called yielding. Horses often sink into this turf when they're running and it greatly impacts the pace of a race.
Horse Racing Terms and Jargon Buster
The world of horse racing contains plenty of confusing words, some of which may mean very little to the unseasoned horse racing fan. This handy jargon-buster can help you understand some of the common horse racing terms, so you can join in with the horse-talk next time you're at the races.
Racing Term | Description |
Abandoned | The status of a race or racecourse described as closed, usually as a result of bad weather. |
Age | The age of a horse. |
All-weather | A synthetic racing surface usually made from sand, which generally is not affected by the weather. |
Allowance | The deduction in the weight a horse must carry. This can be a result of the age or the gender of the horse or the type of jockey (amateur). |
Ante-post | A bet placed in advance of the final declarations of a race. Bookmakers usually offer better odds, but no refunds are given in the event of a non-runner. |
Backward | A horse not fit or fully developed. |
Banker | A supposedly certain bet. |
Betting ring | The on-course bookmakers, often close to the running rail, who compete against one another for trade. Traditionally an integral part of the racing experience, bookmakers with names like Jolly Joe, loud check jackets, and voices like foghorns used to shout the odds and hand our colourful cards as receipts. While their clerks entered the bets in their ledgers and tic tac men, standing on orange boxes, waved their white gloved hands in signals of the trade, communicating changes in the horses' prices. |
Bit | A bar (usually made of stainless steel) that sits in the horse's mouth and is attached to the bridle. |
Black type | A race which is of Listed or Group class. |
Blinkers | A type of headgear fitted to a horse that limits its field of vision, mainly from each side. Blinkers are designed to help horses concentrate in races. |
Bloodstock | A term used to describe the part of the racing industry which deals with racehorse breeding, be it at the sales, stud farms or elsewhere. |
Boxed in | When a horse cannot obtain a clear run during a race due to other horses being in close proximiity. |
Breeze-up | A sale in which unraced two-year-olds are ridden, galloped or ‘breezed' along the racecourse. Most of the horses have been purchased as yearlings, and are then broken in and ridden in preparation for them galloping at the sale. |
Bridle | A piece of tack that fits over a horse's head and to which the bit and reins are attached. |
Broodmare | A mare (female horse) at stud who is kept with the aim of producing a foal. |
Brought down | Used to describe a horse who falls because of another horse, rather than falling independently. |
Bumper | Also known as a National Hunt Flat race, and usually run over two miles without any obstacles. Commonly used as a way to give horses race experience before tackling hurdles and fences. |
Chase | A race run over fences. |
Cheekpieces | A form of headgear which consists of pieces of sheepskin placed on either side of the bridle and performs a similar job as blinkers in helping the horse to concentrate. |
Claimer | A jockey who takes weight off a horse to compensate for their relative inexperience as a rider. Their claim is reduced the more winners they have. |
Classic | Grade 1 contests confined to three-year-olds only in Britain. There are five Classics in Britain: 2,000 Guineas, 1,000 Guineas, Oaks, Derby, St Leger. |
Clerk of the course | The person responsible for the overall management of a racecourse on a raceday. |
Colt | An uncastrated male horse aged four years old or younger. A colt older than four is referred to as an entire or horse (if still racing) or stallion (if at stud). |
Connections | A term often used in place of a horse's owners and trainer. |
Dam | Mother of a horse. |
Dead-heat | When the raceday judge cannot split two or more horses at the finishing-line, the prize is split between the horses and a dead-heat is called. |
Declared | A formal notification from a trainer that notifies the racing authorities they intend to run a horse in a certain race. Horses are commonly declared at either the 24-hour or 48-hour stage prior to a race. |
Draw | A term in Flat racing denoting a horse's position in the starting stalls. |
Fences | The type of obstacle jumped during chase races. There are different types of fence, including an open-ditch, the water jump and a plain fence. |
Filly | A female horse aged four or younger. |
Foal | A horse aged younger than one. |
Form | A horse's race record which is denoted by figures next to its name in a racecard. The form may also include some letters, for example F denoting a fall. |
Furlong | An imperial unit of distance measurement in horseracing. A furlong is an eighth of a mile or a little more than 201 metres. |
Gallop | A training strip used to exercise horses. Trainers have access to either their own private gallops or public gallops. |
Gelding | A horse who has been castrated, often to improve its temperament. |
Going | The underfoot conditions at the racecourse. |
GoingStick | A device used to measure the underfoot conditions at the racecourse. |
Graded race | The highest quality of race. Grade or Group 1 races are the highest quality, with Grade 2 and Grade 3 races a slightly lower quality. |
Hacked up | A phrase used to describe a horse who has won comfortably. |
Handicap | A type of race in which horses carry different weights depending on their overall rating, which is determined by the handicapper. |
Handicapper | An official who assesses how horses should be rated, based on their previous performances. |
Hood | Another type of headgear fitted over the horse's head to cover its ears and muffle the noise of a raceday. |
Hurdles | The obstacles jumped during a hurdle race. They are smaller than fences and therefore take less jumping. Sometimes referred to as flights. |
In-running | Refers to anything that happens during a race, and could refer to in-running betting markets or in-running race comments. |
Juvenile | A two-year-old horse. |
Length | The length of a horse from its nose to the start of its tail, and a measurement used to describe the distances between horses at the finish line. |
Listed race | A race type one step below Grade 3/Group 3 contests. |
Maiden | A horse who has yet to win a race. |
Mare | A female horse aged five or older. |
Nap | A bet considered to be the most likely winner of all bets during the day. |
National Hunt | Known as jumps racing. One of two racing codes, the other being Flat. National Hunt racing is best known in Britain and Ireland. |
Neck | A measurement used to describe a winning margin in a close finish. A short head is the smallest winning margin. |
Non-runner | A horse withdrawn from a race for which it had been declared. |
Noseband | A strap that goes over a horse's nose to secure the birdle. They can help prevent the horse from getting its tongue over the bit which can obstruct its breathing. |
Novice | A race for horses who are in their first season in that code of racing. Can have age specific conditions, particularly on the Flat. |
Nursery | A handicap race for two-year-old horses. |
Odds | The chance offered for a selection to win. Also known as price. |
Off the bridle | A term to describe a horse not travelling well. |
On the bridle | A term to describe a horse travelling well. |
One-paced | A term used to describe a horse who cannot quicken when the tempo of the race increases. |
Open ditch | A fence with a ditch on the take-off side, forcing the horse to make a longer jump than at a plain fence. |
Outsider | A horse whose chance of winning is considered unlikely by the market. |
Pacemaker | A horse who races with the aim of ensuring the even tempo of race, thus helping a stablemate who would benefit. |
Paddock | The area of a racecourse where horses are paraded before each race. Often referred to as the parade ring. |
Parade ring | The area of a racecourse where horses are paraded before each race. Also referred to as the paddock. |
Photo finish | A close race finish, requiring the raceday judge to consult a photo before declaring the winner or a dead-heat. A photo can also help determine the placings behind the winner. |
Pulled up | A horse who is brought to a halt during a race by its jockey. |
Pulling | A horse who is keen during a race and wants to go faster than its jockey is allowing. Often described as pulling for its head. |
Punter | Someone who has had a bet on the outcome of a race. |
Pushed out | A term to describe a horse who has gone clear of its rivals in a race after minimal urging from its jockey. |
Racecard | A programme giving information about the races scheduled during a race meeting and the horses set to run in them. |
Schooling | A term to describe a horse being trained and getting practice over obstacles. |
Silks | An owner's colours. |
Sire | Father of a horse. |
Sprinter | A horse who competes in races run over a short distance, usually over six furlongs or less. |
Stallion | A male horse used for breeding. |
Stalls | The box from which horses begin Flat races. |
Staying on | A phrase frequently used by race commentators or in post-race comments referring to a horse who finished strongly during the closing stages. |
Stewards' inquiry | An inquiry held at the racecourse on a raceday after any given race. The panel is advised by the stewards. |
Stud | An establishment set up for breeding of horses. Stallions are based at studs and are sent mares to breed with. |
Tattersalls | The main auctioneer of racehorses in Britain and Ireland. |
Thoroughbred | The breed of horse best known for its use in horseracing. |
Tongue-tie | A strap or piece of stocking used to tie down a horse's tongue to prevent the tongue getting over the bit which affects a horse's breathing. |
Triple Crown | To win the Flat Triple Crown in Britain, a horse must win either the 2,000 or 1,000 Guineas, either the Derby or the Oaks, and the St Leger. There is a staying chasers Triple Crown for jumps horses consisting of the Betfair Chase, the King George VI Chase and the Gold Cup. |
Turn of foot | A term to describe marked exceleration during a race. |
Under starter's orders | Before a race, the starter brings the field of horses into order to prepare them for the start of the race. |
Undulating | A track that does not have a flat terrain. Cheltenham is often referred to as an undulating track. |
Visor | A type of headgear, much the same as blinkers, which limits a horse's rearward vision to aid concentration. A visor differs from blinkers as it has a small slit in the eye cups. |
Weighed in | Every horse in a race has to carry a certain amount of weight. To ensure it does, all jockeys must weight out both before and after a race. The ‘weighed in' announcement made after the race means the result stands. |
Whip | An instrument used by jockeys to help keep horses under control and to encourage them. |
Yard | A term that refers to a trainer and their horses. Also referred to as a stable. |
Yearling | A young horse between the age of one and two. |